2010: Bachelors Project

My Bachelors project was within the domain of Aerospace and titled: Design, Build and Implementation of a VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) Maritime UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) . This project was sponsored by the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).


Logo that I designed for the project
Logo that I designed for the project
Quadcopter Complete
Quadcopter Complete


Quadcopter in flight
Quadcopter in flight


There were five people involved with this project and I was both the team leader and safety officer. I designed the frame and landing gear using PRO Engineer and ANSYS Workbench and built the frame out of aluminium. The Pro engineer model is as follows:

Pro Engineer render
Pro Engineer render


Close-up on center
Pro Engineer close-up on center


Close-up on center
Pro Engineer engine pod that I helped create


The Ansys static analysis of the frame is as followed.

Frame Stress
Frame Stress
Frame Strain
Frame Strain
Modeled Loads
Modeled Loads
Potential Frame Choices
Potential Frame Choices

The Ansys dynamic model of the landing gear is as follows:

Landing Gear
Landing Gear
Frame Strain
Frame Strain

The project resulted in a successful test flight of a variable pitch quad-copter and a video can be seen on the following page: