2013: DMITRE

I worked as a consultant for the Government of South Australia’s within the Energy Division. Initially, I worked for the government as an employee for one and a half years but while looking for a job in Europe, I worked 10 hours per week through teleconferencing. Within the Energy department, I was responsible for creating and managing the historical data of remote power stations through the creation of an Access database. This database is able to display the data from multiple remote power generation sites, in multiple formats including period generation and load duration. Each of the power stations have differing data outputs and therefore need to be converted into a unified data structure for importation. The primary focus of my task is to create efficiency curves through comparison of fuel use and power generation. I have had exposure to Simex Loggy Soft and ComAp generator set logging systems. More information can be found in the programming section.

I have also participated in an onsite inspection at the Parachilna remote power generation station which features an augmented solar and diesel generator. During the inspection I determined which batteries were defective while the solar array inverter was being fixed. This experience was fulfilling because I experienced an onsite visit first hand and was able to apply knowledge gained in university.


Parachilna Solar Plant


Due to the hot nature of the outback, cooling of the generator sets was very important, both for efficiency and operator comfort. During my employment, I determined the air-conditioning requirement of a power station.

In addition, I took notes during various meetings with contractors such as Caterpillar in regards to regional power generation installation and maintenance.

As well as the above tasks, I also have experience in item procurement and helped setup the first 3G telephone link between the office in Adelaide and a remote power station logging system. With the new system in place, the data can be downloaded quicker and managed in near real time.